Note: Views expressed in the poetry on this site do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of our team.

Hunter Little
Hunter is a poet, (grand)daughter, painter, teacher, student, sister, and lover of animals. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Language and Rhetoric at the University of Washington and hopes to make institutions of higher education more equitable and accessible for students living with mental illness. She is passionate about examining how Discourses shape activity, policy, and perceptions on campus. Getting back to her poetic roots, Hunter is excited to revisit some of her favorite places in Bowling Green through other’s artistic lenses. Some of these favorite places include Cherry Hall, the late Little Fox Bakery, Griff’s Deli, Fountain Square Park, Spencer’s Coffee, the late Rocky’s Bar, and the now-recovered Blue Holler Brew Supplies.

Heather Neidlinger
Heather is an avid reader and writer of poetry. She earned her B.A. in English (with a Literature concentration) from WKU, and is currently seeking an M.F.A. in Creative Writing at WKU. She is constantly searching for the connections between nature and the human experience through the malleability of language. Bowling Green is home and heart to many of her poems.

Faith Harris
Faith is a graduate student at the University of Illinois-Chicago studying English literature. She often wanders the Chicago streets, admiring the architecture far too much to pass for a native. Sometimes you might find her in a coffee shop or a park, staring off into the distance, when she should be doing her homework, and perhaps she is nostalgic for warm days on the colonnades, a cubano from Spencer’s Coffee, or the little house on High Street where she fell in love.

Dan Liddle
Dan is a professor of professional writing at Western Kentucky University and helps out with technical aspects of this project like the web design, content strategy, and usability. He used to work at a car wash where he became disillusioned with upselling customers to the “Super Kiss” package. Today he wears a real tie (not a clip on one) on a number of days, and fixes boomboxes on other days.

Jon Meyers
Jon Meyers is a screenwriter, blogger, educator, podcaster, and public speaker. He is the only US Moderator at Into The Script, Great Britain’s foremost online screenwriting advice/writing craft hub. His writing craft articles can be read in WriterCon Magazine, where he is also on staff as their Editorial Cartoonist. His poetry has been published in Schuylkill Valley Journal Online. Along with author/blogger/podcaster Emily Brooks, he runs the popular Write Better Together online community. His ears have not been drawn to scale in the above depiction.

Kate Nezelek
Kate Nezelek is a poet and fiction writer from Richmond, Virginia. She holds a BA in English (with a Creative Writing concentration) from Rice University and is currently an MFA candidate at Western Kentucky University.

Emily Brooks
Emily Brooks is a storyteller, poet, blogger, and teacher located in Nashville, TN. On her blog, Little Did She Know, she has been sharing stories and reflections on faith, courage, and imagination for the past ten years. Her book, The Redeemed Imagination, is a short memoir that explores how imagination, when redeemed, can free us from despair. Her poems have been published in The Adirondack Review. You can find her other publications and projects on her website. Along with Jon Meyers, she runs the popular Write Better Together online community and is cohost of their writing lifestyle podcast.. Emily has a BA in English and Creative Writing and an MFA in Fiction and Composition.

Katie Algeo
Katie Algeo is a geographer who enjoys the written word wherever she finds it. She helps us with maps and mapping software when we lose our way.